Big discussions in the media even at Dr Phill. They exepect a babyboom because of this book but also discussion about its not the right example for the world because the lady gets submissive. Also that its not very good written. Everyone has their own opinion of course.
For me it was a very easy book to read. It gave me lots of entertainment and put my head on something els. I liked how you could read her inner voice. I have that also sometimes how I call it: Devil and angel voice in my head. My intution/angel says no and the devil says yes. The last time I had the same with a man. Very inside yourself you know someting is not right but then when he talks with you, you just forget your inner voice and go for it. Then you fall, get up and go on with life and you learn. Thats why I liked Anastasia Steele so much. It made me think of me. The struggle with your inner voice. And noooo I don´t mean the storyline or SM hahaha thats nothing for me!
So book 1 is out and I´m reading book 2 its more intresting to be honest then book 1 for me..Christian Grey is a very intresting man and I´m hooked to that book. I´m not a very good reader when I read 2 books a year it´s much so that I now want to read 3 books is a miracle lol.
If you want to read more about it:
Well in mean time I enjoying life very well. Went to a party of monster energy and Japspeed with some nice ladies in Amsterdam. I´m not a party lady but I really liked this one. Was great to see the drifters. Learned never drink at 1am energy drink because at 5 am you are still full energy hahahaha was a hard week because I was so tired. Still happy that I went though.Went with my niece to step up 4 the premier. I had not seen her for a long time so it was good the see her and catch up. Amazing movie if you like dancing movies. Also Ryan Guzman is a very good looking man, with incredible dance moves and good actor.
Have a new project at work I like, a real challenge.
But struggle also because I still have to leave the department and the company prefer also that I leave the company because I´m not that high educated. Its hard when you like your work, colleagues and scared what the new job brings because it will always affect my health. This company is really easy going. When I´m tired I just go later to the office and can also do stuff in the evening so I dont struggle with deadlines. It´s not easy to find such a flexible company. Ofcourse I stay positive!
In mean time I keep meeting special people all over the world. That give me inspiration, laughs and stuff to think about. You know who you are!
It´s really true you learn every day and every day has something good. Loving each day!
Happy birthday Boeffie! The joy of my life that makes me smile every day.
6 already time flies.
Life, love and laugh!
Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.
Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.