I thought lets do a live up date again its a while ago. Was to busy again.
In mean time I just work 50% for a while. That was a big struggle. Think only chronic sick people can understand this struggle being only 34 and cant work full-time anymore. 3 days working and 4 days off.
I was so used to work from that I was 15 years old. I´m a carreer women with ambitions. Always done school and work. Sometimes 60 hours a week. I like my work. I struggled to much last 1 - 2 years. My energy got less and less. It was work and hanging on the sofa and lots of sleep. Had to cancel a lot of appointments with friends. Didnt had much social life anymore I was so tired all the time. I kept struggling. Every time I thought. I take a long weekend with rest and then I get my energy back but sadly that didnt happen. So now I´m 4 days off. Finally can do some great stuff and making fun in the weekend. Doing some hobbys again. Last couple of months I really did. I love it! I really realise now what I missed last 2 years. I go out now a lot. Meeting friends and having a great catch up and laughs. Hanging at home watching movies with friends, tapas and drink some cocktails. Finally seeing my family more.
I even celebrated queens night. 8 hours of walking dancing, drinking and singing with great company. That was soooo long ago. Really enjoyed that. Great fun and laughs. No hangover the next day just tired, muscle pain in legs and feet lol. My body was clearly not used to it anymore haha. But was worth it! Its great to have fun again. Feels like ages ago.
The challenge now starts in a couple of months financially. For years I thought dont worry it will be better. Well sadly it didnt. The company didnt gave me a raise for 4 years and they cut bonusses and costs. So I have less salary then 4 years ago but my moths fixed costs are much higher. Then in October I get less salary because I work less. My worst nightmare last couple of months whats keeping me a awake, gives me headaches and downers is being 34 and just sitting at home 4 days on the sofa a week. . Everything in live cost money. Even if I want to visit friends or family. Public transport is a pain in the ass financially. Summer wil be fine. I can go out in the park with Boeffie and play. Or just sitting in the grass and read a book and enjoy nature. When its not to warm. Winter is sadly longer and I will be so bored. Really dont looking forward for that time. Its just changes your whole life.
It really puts your whole life up side down. Its going to be a big fight thats for sure. I already changed since last year I almost never buy clothes anymore. Well people that know me, know how I love fashion and clothes, jewelry etc so thats already a big change. I cant shop anymore, really miss it to walk in a shop watching clothes and shoes, making great combinations No breaks anymore, no Dublin anymore. How I could use that now the positive nice Irish people and beautiful nature would love to go to Dublin. Dublin gives positive energy. No holiday for years for me now. Last holiday my health struggled in London so that was also no fun sadly.
Positive note I still can effort food for my pets and me and pay my bills and do till October some nice stuff. So till October I´m going to enjoy it! :-) Also I finally went to the hairdresser after 6 months. I can tell you that really cheered me up! I felt so untended with dead hair. I even did a hairmask haha. My hair is so dry of all medication and the hairmask did a good job. I want to save some money next month for a hairmask that gives a vitam boost so my hair is a bit more healthy and doesnt break as quick as now.
With less money the small stuff counts more! Its great to catch up and being finally social again after being tired that much and missing so much for years. Enjoying kids more. I love kids but they cost much energy. Now I can spend finally some more time with them. They really cheer me up and make me laugh and a smile cost nothing! Also I can blog more about nonsense lol. Also the things I want for my birthday is a never ending list hahaha. You get so many wishes with less money.
I really have to found a cheaper home soon. I love this home. How it looks, the neighbours and the location. The location saves me lots of energy its close to everything. When I toke this home I really thought I´m going to be old here. Lucky my mum is so nice is going to help me out a bit also some friends. So I can stay here in this home a bit longer. But I have to say goodbye to this home sadly. So I can start a better life, healther life and finally can go shopping again and to save for a long weekend Dublin or holiday to the sun. Thats a big motivation!
And more important that I can finally be Wendy again!
Life, love and laugh!
Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.