Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well guess what...? Second blog lol.

Thanks for all the good nice reactions at my first blog. I´m a bit surprised. I started it without expectations. I thought and thought what will I write in next blog also what is my goal?!

The kidney is doing well. Every year at 10 April I celebrate it a bit. This year it will be 17 years that’s very long. Stastic say after 10 years 50% has already loose the transplant organ.  He works between 45 and 50% that quit good for a transplant one also because I´m 33 years but my kidney is 62 (my dads age).
Talking about my dad. In mean time sadley my lovely dad past away 8 years ago and also my aunty(second mum) passed away to. My dad heart attack and gone.  It’s horrible to lose a parent for everyone but for me personally it was also a bit confusing. Because there is still a part of him there. I have his kidney. The first year I was obsessed with it. With every pain or strange feeling I went to emergency scared that something was wrong with the kidney. When you are transplanted you never know how long you have the organ. It can stop today but also stay 50 years. Didn’t want to travel, what if I get kidney troubles in a strange country?! Or get sick?!
The kidney was the most important thing in life. Ofcourse there was nothing wrong, it’s just that stupid mind what is playing with me. After a battle of a year and some therapie. I realised my dad wants that I enjoy life that’s why he has giving me that.  I switched my mind and didn’t focus on my kidney anymore. If it happends, it happends I realise I have done everything to keep it. It will not be my fault. So life goes on ofcourse I miss my dad but it also made me stronger.
I think what happends in life in good or bad way it makes us who we are.

What keeps me positive?!
Well I have seen a lot in life. Kids batteling for cancer and didn’t surive. Or a little cute boy at IC that needed a kidney but they didn’t had one and he passed a way.
It can always wors in life. There are always people that have a harder time then me.
But also family and friends that always support me.  Especially my mum, reall inspiration.

What do I with all my experience?!
I try to help a bit others.
When I talk to kidney patient I try to give them some positive strength. Like: Look at me I survived it all.
Sometimes someone crosses your pad or friends that lost people to. Then I try to help. Sometimes it are the little things that can put others a smile on theire face and it can mean a lot for the other that you think about them.

I think also in general, you and me. Shouldn’t we look more at what we have then what we don’t have and see that we are maybe more lucky then we think?! It can be so much wors!

You can only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough!

Count your blessings!

Life, laugh and love.

Wendy:Me, myself and I


  1. Love it :) - Betina xx

  2. Wauw I read it with tears in my eyes.I know you have a kidney disease, but when you read this it is so heavy.
    I've respect for you. When I speak to you ,you sound so happy. I'm so glad you will share this with use.
    You're an amzing person
    Love Sylvia xxx

  3. This little lady forgot to mention that she was THE FIRST person in the Netherlands to receive a kidney from her father. That was very important news those days. So important that they made a televion program with Wendy and her dad (and mum) as the lead persons! xx Rivka


Thank you very much for your reaction on my blog. It´s very appreciated! Life, love and laugh. Wendy: Me, Myself and I.