Friday, April 13, 2012

Updates about my life (April 2012)

It´s a long time ago I wrote a blog. I thought lets do a little update.

10th April I had 18 years my kidney. It felt a bit if its was my birthday. At work I had some cake and my colleagues were joking around. Your kidney is allowed to drive a car now, and in USA to drink alcohol etc hahahaha. After work I had some drinkies with my loveones. Was really great laughter. Also drunk some beer because my dad loves that. Its my dad kidney so my kidney is used to beer. To keep it in form I drink sometimes beer. Cant believe 18 years ago my dad and me were at the operation table and he isnt here anymore to celebrate it.
I do think he is watching us, some how.

Then weeks ago I had a date. Well nice guy but at the end not my type of man. Some personality what is important for me was missing. You can call it disaster date lol. I can laugh about it now but back then I was not a happy lady. But I learned my lesson and life goes on! In Holland we say: theire are more men then churches. So here we go my eyes and heart are open again.

At work everything is a bit the same. Still searching for an other job. Its very hard to find something.
They also looking outside this company. Very exciting are this kind of stuff. I really love my colleagues I have now. We can really joke around and have fun. I know you have to work at work but to have fun I find it so important when you are at the office 5 days a week.

BTW I love my hair now. (read my blog weeks ago) I´m totally used to it. Its curly shiny.
I might keep it this way. I think this hair cut was the best cut in my life, not to short.
Real great hairdresser makes the difference!

Also hope the summer comes soon. I miss the sunshine. I need the sun also to get some energy.
Feel again a bit tired lately but well also a bit my fault. I make to many plans I cant resist because they are nice and fun. Ow well you life just ones so do it good! Cheers!!

 My kidney I have from  my dad.
 My life quote

Don't wait for somebody else to save u, to complete u, or to fix u. You are responsible for your life.

Don´t forget: 
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo

Wendy: Me,myself and I.

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Thank you very much for your reaction on my blog. It´s very appreciated! Life, love and laugh. Wendy: Me, Myself and I.