Monday, May 7, 2012

Life update and quotes

Hello dear readers,

Again not blogged for a while.
Very busy at the moment with work and social life. Lots of appointsments and catching up with friends. I havent seen some for such a while. During the week its for me difficult to meet up with friends because I havent got all the energy after work. My body proofs it again now. Last couple of weeks I had a busy agenda. Meetings friends, drinkkies (a bit to much OCH), and a bit of party. That also means late in bed and not much sleep. I really loved it to do if I´m healthy but yesterday I was soooo tired again.
I slept and watched a movie thats all I did on the Sunday. Really have to take some steps back now but look back at amazing weeks ha! :-)  
Still work at the same department. Still looking for other job but its hard. The positive thing here is I can do what I want. That means if I deliver good work and end project on time I can work at home or even start a bit later at the office. Very positive for when I´m tired.

Found some nice quotes online I want to share. That did it for me a bit. Also some amazing images I loved.
Loving the ¨very¨ high heels, if I only could walk on them to... hahaha 
Bought some black high heels but they are not THAT high. When I wear the high silver one like below I end up on the floor lol.

Hope you liked the quotes!

Life, love and laugh!
Wendy: Me, Myself and I.

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Thank you very much for your reaction on my blog. It´s very appreciated! Life, love and laugh. Wendy: Me, Myself and I.