Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas song

Hey ha ho all dear readers,

I almost forgot christmas music. It´s December and christmas is around the corner.
Yes I´m starting with Jennifer Lopez. I like her music and this is a song I played a lot when my dad passed away. Dont know why.

Wham can´t be missed to. So many memories about that song when I spent a lot of years my christmas in Germany with family. How we song a long with it. Great memories to think that the most people I spend christmas with most of my life arent there anymore. Christmas will never be the same without them thats for sure. I more celebrate that I´m the day off I simpely miss them to much during that time.
But there are a lot of cheer up songs to yes yes yes I always find something positive and to smile about. We just live ones :-) Guess wich song... yes......... he is Irish and handsome lol. Ronan Keating has also 2 songs I love. Ronan Keating feat. Kate Ceberano - It's Only Christmas

Then we have an other song of Ronan with a beautiful angel voice Stephen Gately. Its soooo beautiful.
 Also sing a long this song when its on the radio. It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas  - DIONNE WARWICK
Michael Buble can´t be missed to. His Christmas album has great songs. Cant make my mind up wich one to post so here we go a medley :-)

 Sorry this is a Dutch one. Marco Borsato - Kerstmis great tune.
Here we have an oldy. Queen - Thanks god it´s Christmas.
Again oldy The Slade - Merry Xmas Everybody
 Some how this song gives me also a bit of Christmas feeling. So beautiful. X-Factor winner of Holland in 2009.  Lisa - Halleluljah

 Merry Christmas everyone!


Life, love and laugh!
Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Quotes I like

Heya all readers,

As you might figured out I likes quotes. It's not only the words or meanings but also it must have a special image. Beautiful or spirtuel or something. Or quotes were I believe in or they mean something for me. I love reading them at FB it gives me something to think about or make myself more of aware of. At FB you have lots of them.So I thought lets share some of them.

This last one. I figured out this year I'm exactly like that. I simpely cant be bothered. I don't have the energy like healthy people do, so I really have to watch out. I think its mean I'm getting old and finally learn hahaha.
I hope you enjoyed the quotes. If you know a good quotes, FB page or something please let me know by commenthing below this blog. Thanks for reading. Hope your all wel.

Life, love and laugh!
Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.

And love this picture!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Something different

I thought let´s do something different. Websites and items I like.
I love discounts and getting items as cheap as possible. It´s almost a sport!

First something at FB someone shared I love.
A story about a very large dog  Anatolian Shepherd called Haatchi and a boy called litlle B. The dog misses tale and a leg and the boy has an handicape. See the FB page for the whole story behind it. They are so cute together!
Haatchi and little B

I´m since a week a big fan of her Szetobaby
You can buy there very nice handmade jewelery. They can personlize it for you, with your own text.
Maybe nice christmas gift a keychain for a man with a text or a neckless bracelet with names of your kids. I think for what you get its not expensive. 
I figured out not everyone knows this website called Etsy.
You can buy there all sorts of stuff. Cards, clothes, furnuture, jewely etc. I bought there in the past.

In the UK and Ireland everyone knows this shop Primark. I love that shop! A bag full and you only pay 50 euro.  Really fashionable, great quality price. A simpel shirt costs around 3 euro.
They sell male, women and kids clothing. Handbaggs, shoes, underwear, shirts,  dresses etc. Scarfs also, I never leave the shop without buying a scarf. On tv they said when H&M has 10 customers in the shop Primark has 1000. Yes 1000 I didnt miss type lol. In Holland there are shops in Hoofddorp, Zaandam and Rotterdam. Just one tip for the people in Holland, never go in the weekend! It´s to crowded then. They have more then 25 cash desks but then you still have to wait for more then an hour. Here you can get an impression at FB in UK: primark

For me being allergic for a lot of body creams, make-up etc.
My skinn can deal with Rituals. First I used a lot of the mark Clinic but thats to expensive.
Ritual has so many great stuff thats smells so good. Body cream, day cream, make up removers, beautiful make up but also tea and for in your living room good fragrnance sticks. They smell good and smell for a long Rituals. Website Rituals Love this picture of them and quote:
A man once told the Buddha "I want happiness."
Buddha replied "First remove 'I' , that's ego. Then remove 'want', that's desire.
And now all you are left with is happiness..."

When I´m Spain or Germany I always go to KIKO cosmetics. I can´t use the make up but I can use the nail polish. So many colors for only around 3euro. The quality is also good. It holds very long (5 - 7 days)  and stays sparkle also. This is there website: http://www.kikocosmetics.com
Then I use now this website a lot to order stuff for my dog and cats. Called Pleinshoppen. Sorry its just for the peeps in Holland. They all deliver in 1 box no matter you order book, babystuff or dog food it´s 1 bill. When you reach above 20euro they deliver for free. I order now there everything for my pets ones a month. I figured out they are most of the time also cheaper then in the shop. 
So now I dont have to carry it, they bring it to my front door and cheaper.. what do I want more :-)
website pleinshoppen

 Life, love and laugh

Lots of love Wendy: Me,myself and I.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Organ donor

Here in Holland was it last week donor week. I hope they raise lots of new donors.
I´m completely aware of all discussions around it. 
Some I can understand a bit that they dont want to be donor. But still difficult to accept completely when people say no to it.
Because I wonder when they need a new heart, kidney, longs etc will they dont want one? Would they not be happy when someone passed away and they give there organs? Or when your child need an organ and not get one is going to die. Do you let your kid die or do you pray that someone out there has his organs are avalaible and said yes of being a donor. So in my eyes the choice is simpel. We all want a donor organ when we need one, shouldnt we not all say that when we pass away that we give our organs to people in the world that needs them. Or do we let them die to...
Isnt great when we die that we can safe someone els life? A kid can maybe see or hear because you give your organs. Or that kid can breath again and run around instead of growing up in the hospital.
When you die they operate you very carefully. Even in the coufin your family friends dont see that you miss some bones or organ anymore. When they take your organs, skinn or bones all is getting done very well. You dont see the difference between if you still have your organs or not.

I´m blessed that my dad gave me his kidney. But there are so many people out there that have to go to the hospital 3 times a week a  whole day to do dialyses.  They only can drink 2 glasses not more. Always a struggle in the summer.
I think people should be more think about it and talk about it with theire loves ones what they want.
Its not easy to talk about dead but you can help so many people out there. To give them theire life back. I think it´s something very beautifull to do.
This promo about donor made me laugh but so true!

 Life, love and laugh

Wendy: Me,myself and I.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Changing my life

Dear readers,
Long time not blogged.
Was to busy and way to tired to write a blog.

In mean time lot happend.
Good thing first. Ronan Keating is going to tour. His new album fires is great. A bit pop, also a rap song. Only 3 ballads I love it!  check this out its acoustic version of waisted light. Ronan Keating waisted light recorded in Holland.
I´m very happy that I can go to London and see all my friends from Holland, UK and Germany.
Great catch up laughs, cocktails and enjoying London. Stuff like this makes life a bit easier. Holiday to look forward to. Miss Dublin very much. I really hope I can enjoy it next year, need it to keep myself balance the nature and the kind people.
 Last weeks no well months there was lots of realisation on my health.
I´m simpely to tired. Difficult to explain. Its not only I want sleep all the time but its more lie down. because my body cant move and is to tired but my eyes mind are clearly awake and dont want to sleep. Its what lots of kidney patients have. The tiredness doesnt make life easy. After work you lie down, in the weekend you relax a lot because you need the energy Monday at work again. Most healthy people dont realise how much energy stuff cost like walking, concentration, hang the washes, cleaning the house and do shopping. For me its almost like counthing calories. I know when I make an appointment for the Saterday (after 11 because I need enough sleep) to catch up with friends for lunch that the Sunday is a rest day for me. Means in general that I´m a lot at home. I´m lucky with friends and family that come to my home so I dont have to spend energy to traveling. Also they know my problem so always think about it when we go out.
So last months some stuff had to change. 2 times in month there comes a cleaner, the food for my pets and cats gravel get delivered at home so I dont have to carry anymore and got an electric bike. Sadly we figured out its all not enough I´m struggling. Doctors gave me again extra medication for bloodpressure that makes that I take 11 pills a day. Also blood wasnt good kreat is getting higher means kidney function is getting less. But kidney is works still enough.
Healthcare centre at work figured out I´m struggling a lot and said its better for my health to stop working full time before I breakdown. So we are busy with that to see how much I can work. Lots to figure out. Lots of appointments made. For me a step that was difficult to accept. 34 years old and cant work full time anymore. I know this is not getting better anymore. It are the tiny bits of steps closer to dialyses. Hopefully it stays away for years and my kidney stays stabile now. 
In meantime ofcours I try to think positive. Like that I can be more social again.Finally can read a book again. Meeting up friends, go out to enjoy nature with Boeffie. 
I´m so lucky with Boeffie. I sleep so much more and he doesnt care. He likes sleeping to. When I cant walk him to long he doesnt matter at all. He really feels that I´m not well. As long as we can cuddle and he can play his ball he is fine and happy. 

Ofcours I cant end my blog with some quotes! Maybe something to stand still and think about for a 1 minute....

Life, love and laugh!

Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mister Grey & life

Yes it´s true I read also the book of E.L.James called 50 shades of grey, 50 shades darker and 50 shades freed. That is all over the world in the media. I have seen it a lot in social media and friends and my aunty told me about it and it made me very curious. It´s an erotic triller novel.
Big discussions in the media even at Dr Phill. They exepect a babyboom because of this book but also discussion about its not the right example for the world because the lady gets submissive. Also that its not very good written. Everyone has their own opinion of course.
For me it was a very easy book to read. It gave me lots of entertainment and put my head on something els. I liked how you could read her inner voice. I have that also sometimes how I call it: Devil and angel voice in my head. My intution/angel says no and the devil says yes. The last time I had the same with a man. Very inside yourself you know someting is not right but then when he talks with you, you just forget your inner voice and go for it. Then you fall, get up and go on with life and you learn.  Thats why I liked Anastasia Steele so much. It made me think of me. The struggle with your inner voice. And noooo I don´t mean the storyline or SM hahaha thats nothing for me!
So book 1 is out and I´m reading book 2 its more intresting to be honest then book 1 for me..Christian Grey is a very intresting man and I´m hooked to that book. I´m not a very good reader when I read 2 books a year it´s much so that I now want to read 3 books is a miracle lol.
If you want to read more about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifty_Shades_of_Grey
Well in mean time I enjoying life very well. Went to a party of monster energy and Japspeed with some nice ladies in Amsterdam. I´m not a party lady but I really liked this one. Was great to see the drifters. Learned never drink at 1am energy drink because at 5 am you are still full energy hahahaha was a hard week because I was so tired. Still happy that I went though.
Went with my niece to step up 4 the premier. I had not seen her for a long time so it was good the see her and catch up. Amazing movie if you like dancing movies. Also Ryan Guzman is a very good looking man, with incredible dance moves and good actor.
Have a new project at work I like, a real challenge.
But struggle also because I still have to leave the department and the company prefer also that I leave the company because I´m not that high educated. Its hard when you like your work, colleagues and scared what the new job brings because it will always affect my health. This company is really easy going. When I´m tired I just go later to the office and can also do stuff in the evening so I dont struggle with deadlines. It´s not easy to find such a flexible company. Ofcourse I stay positive!

In mean time I keep meeting special people all over the world. That give me inspiration, laughs and stuff to think about. You know who you are!
 It´s really true you learn every day and every day has something good. Loving each day!
Happy birthday Boeffie! The joy of my life that makes me smile every day.
6 already time flies.

Life, love and laugh!

Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Oberhausen & Quotes

Hello dear readers,

I´m back again with a blog. 

My best friend and I went to Oberhausen Centro 2 weeks ago. We had such a great time.
It´s just 2 hours from our home and totally love it. All the different shops, also lots of cheap shops.
Especially stuff like drugstore it´s much cheaper then here. So I bought for a year stuff. Wrinkle creams (yup over 30 so I need that and to many laugh wrinkles lol), body lotions, shower gels etc. 
We found out Kiko cosmetic store. So many many colors, nailpolish, eye shadow etc. Sadly we dont have that shop here in Holland.
Also not expensive. I bought this nailpolish it was just €4,99 the simpel nail polish is around €2,95.  
I was very surprised how good the quality was it look good on my nails for 6 days, YES!! 
My hair grows so fast since I had to cut it short because it´s to dry because of all the medications.
It feels so much healthier now. Think in the next weeks I´m going to cut again short. It gives me more curls.

Can someone tell me where the summer is??
Really need a long weekend in the sun at the lake in bikini. Missing the sunshine and get a healthy brown skinn. I would love to wear my skirt, dresses and my summer shoes.

Now the quotes again. Hope you like them. Maybe things to think about.
The most are coming from quote facebook pages. 

 Hope you liked this short blog again about well not really important stuff but he it´s my blog so I can write whatever I want haha. Just kidding if you have questions or comments please feel free to comment on the blogs.

Life, love and laugh!
Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Updates and quotes to think about...

Hope my blogg readers are well.
Lately not blogging much. I´m to busy enjoying life.
Life is really good at the moment. Enjoy every minute of it.
Health wise everything also in balance. So I have nothing to complain about :-) 
 Time goes so fast. Its already June and it would be nice to see some more sun.
I´m really a summer person. Loving sun it makes me feel so much better.
Better mood and much more energy.

Last week I went to Glasgow to finally meet up my lovely friend and meeting up some lovely persons. I really had a great time. I cant remeber I laughed so many hours in a day.
My cheeks and belly hurted from laughing. Feel really blessed. I was a bit afraid of the scottisch accent but it went fine when they dont talk to fast, and I´m not to tired and didnt drink alcohol lol.
What a beautiful country it´s so green and so many hills wow. Already booked days off from work to go end September again. Wished some people lived closer to my home, so I can see them more. Really enjoy to spend time with them.
Shane Lynch is going to drift so I cant miss that. It feels for ages ago I have seen him. Really looking forward to it.
 Next trip Germany Saterday to Oberhausen. Ladies day with my best friend. Shopping and catch up big time.Cant wait!

This are some quotes I like. Maybe someting to think about.....
Never forget: 

Life, love and laugh!
Love Wendy: Me, Myself and I.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Life update and quotes

Hello dear readers,

Again not blogged for a while.
Very busy at the moment with work and social life. Lots of appointsments and catching up with friends. I havent seen some for such a while. During the week its for me difficult to meet up with friends because I havent got all the energy after work. My body proofs it again now. Last couple of weeks I had a busy agenda. Meetings friends, drinkkies (a bit to much OCH), and a bit of party. That also means late in bed and not much sleep. I really loved it to do if I´m healthy but yesterday I was soooo tired again.
I slept and watched a movie thats all I did on the Sunday. Really have to take some steps back now but look back at amazing weeks ha! :-)  
Still work at the same department. Still looking for other job but its hard. The positive thing here is I can do what I want. That means if I deliver good work and end project on time I can work at home or even start a bit later at the office. Very positive for when I´m tired.

Found some nice quotes online I want to share. That did it for me a bit. Also some amazing images I loved.
Loving the ¨very¨ high heels, if I only could walk on them to... hahaha 
Bought some black high heels but they are not THAT high. When I wear the high silver one like below I end up on the floor lol.

Hope you liked the quotes!

Life, love and laugh!
Wendy: Me, Myself and I.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Updates about my life (April 2012)

It´s a long time ago I wrote a blog. I thought lets do a little update.

10th April I had 18 years my kidney. It felt a bit if its was my birthday. At work I had some cake and my colleagues were joking around. Your kidney is allowed to drive a car now, and in USA to drink alcohol etc hahahaha. After work I had some drinkies with my loveones. Was really great laughter. Also drunk some beer because my dad loves that. Its my dad kidney so my kidney is used to beer. To keep it in form I drink sometimes beer. Cant believe 18 years ago my dad and me were at the operation table and he isnt here anymore to celebrate it.
I do think he is watching us, some how.

Then weeks ago I had a date. Well nice guy but at the end not my type of man. Some personality what is important for me was missing. You can call it disaster date lol. I can laugh about it now but back then I was not a happy lady. But I learned my lesson and life goes on! In Holland we say: theire are more men then churches. So here we go my eyes and heart are open again.

At work everything is a bit the same. Still searching for an other job. Its very hard to find something.
They also looking outside this company. Very exciting are this kind of stuff. I really love my colleagues I have now. We can really joke around and have fun. I know you have to work at work but to have fun I find it so important when you are at the office 5 days a week.

BTW I love my hair now. (read my blog weeks ago) I´m totally used to it. Its curly shiny.
I might keep it this way. I think this hair cut was the best cut in my life, not to short.
Real great hairdresser makes the difference!

Also hope the summer comes soon. I miss the sunshine. I need the sun also to get some energy.
Feel again a bit tired lately but well also a bit my fault. I make to many plans I cant resist because they are nice and fun. Ow well you life just ones so do it good! Cheers!!

 My kidney I have from  my dad.
 My life quote

Don't wait for somebody else to save u, to complete u, or to fix u. You are responsible for your life.

Don´t forget: 
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo

Wendy: Me,myself and I.